Friday, February 14, 2020

Sociology - mental illness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Sociology - mental illness - Essay Example Nonetheless, there are no observed variance in the rates of severe mental illnesses like schizophrenia and bipolar depression. Numerous theories have been put forward for the gender differences in the incidence of mental health problems and women's susceptibility to depression. These can be grouped in three broad categories -- biological theories, psychological theories, and social theories (Stoppard, 2000). Theories categorized as biological highlight the "medical model" of mental illness, and in relation to women, customarily point to the notion of hereditability and the role played by their physiology in the origins and manifestations of mental illness. Interestingly though, the extensive cross-cultural differences identified in rates of depression call into question elucidations based on a simple medical model. When probing gender differences in connection with psychological development, the vital role performed by gender-specific socialization and coping patterns has been underscored (Nolen-Hoeksema, 1995; Busfield, 2002). Therefore, the diverse mental health problems experienced by men and women are now considered to signify a gendered expression of mutual basic emotional obstacles and inconveniences. These psychological developmental theories are substantiated by concrete proofs from longitudinal studies which display and reveal the variance in boys' and girls' mental health which begins to emerge at the inception of puberty, when adult social roles are to a great extent, assumed and embraced (Kornstein and Wojcik, 2002). In addition, the 1998 WHO Report declared that women's health is inextricably associated with their status in society. It gains from equality and puts up with (WHO, 1998). For instance, in Ireland, female gender is still an indicator of lower status, diminished participation in decision-making and lower pay. Likewise, women are deprived and prejudiced by the many roles they had to perform in society - carers, partners and workers and all through their lives, women are more likely to be gravely affected by physical and sexual abuse (WHO, 2001), which can trigger and pave the way for severe physical and mental health ramifications. Further, studies have concluded that the psychological and emotional damage brought about by social factors is further aggravated in cases of social disadvantage. A constant reverse relationship has been identified between social class and mental health (Prior, 1999; WHO, 2003; Women's Health Council, 2003), and women have been steadily found to be at greater risk of falling into poverty than men (Combat Poverty Agency, 2002). For this reason, greater contextualisation of mental health difficulties within social realities is necessary. This is particularly true when studying and analysing women's most common mental health problems, which are essentially controlled and affected by gendered perspectives of women's suitable conduct and role in society and by the

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Equilty Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Equilty - Essay Example There are many issues that are involved in the way citizens are expected to pay their taxes, which cannot be generalized to bring an agreement. Different levels of income are an example that contributes to these disagreements. The high income earners will not be expected to pay the same tax as the low income earners. This is what economists refer to as the ability to pay principle (Blum and Kalvern 2011). This principle argues that one should pay tax according to his power to pay. People who have high income are able to pay; hence they are supposed to pay more tax. This shows that large amounts of taxes will come from rich people. The benefit principle is another system that governments use to get taxes from the citizens (Blum and Kalvern 2011). Everyone who benefits from the outcomes of taxes is supposed to pay it accordingly. This signifies that there will be no balance in paying the taxes among the citizens since, different people gains differently from the functions of the tax es. People in towns will pay more than those in rural areas who get less access to the outcomes of the taxes paid. Conclusion However, equity goes hand in hand with fairness. The two concepts mentioned above may both bring disagreements, but an agreement may some how be reached if the benefit principle is enforced. Blum and Kalvern (2011), consumers will always want to maximize their utility and minimize the cost. Therefore, people from every part of the country will feel the worth of the payments they make hence no